Shell commands str | list[str], *, stdout: IO | None = None, stdin: IO | None = None, stderr: IO | None = None, obfuscate_pwd: str | None = None, shell: bool = True, timeout: float | None = None) int

Run another program in a subprocess and wait for it to terminate.

  • cmd – Command to be executed (str or list). If shell=True, it must be a str.

  • stdout – standard output file handle. Omit for sys.stdout. Unlike the same parameter for, which must be backed by a OS-level file descriptor, this can be a pseudo-stream like e.g. io.StringIO.

  • stdin – standard input file handle. Omit for no input.

  • stderr – standard error file handle. Omit for sys.stderr. Unlike the same parameter for, which must be backed by a OS-level file descriptor, this can be a pseudo-stream like e.g. io.StringIO.

  • obfuscate_pwd (str) – if set, search for the target password and replace it with XXXX before logging it.

  • shell (bool) –

    Invoke inside the shell. This differes from the same parameter of in several ways:

    • It is True by default instead of False

    • In Linux and MacOSX, it sets some sane settings: errexit, nounset, pipefail

    • In Linux and MacOSX, it is always guaranteed to be bash. This differs from, which on Ubuntu will invoke dash and RedHat will invoke bash. On Windows it is CMD.

  • timeout (float) – kill command if doesn’t return within timeout limit


command exit code

Return type:


pshell.check_call(cmd: str | list[str], *, stdout: IO | None = None, stdin: IO | None = None, stderr: IO | None = None, obfuscate_pwd: str | None = None, shell: bool = True, timeout: float | None = None) None

Run another program in a subprocess and wait for it to terminate; raise exception in case of non-zero exit code.

See call() for parameters documentation.




CalledProcessError – if the command returns a non-zero exit code

pshell.check_output(cmd: str | list[str], *, stdin: IO | None = None, stderr: IO | None = None, obfuscate_pwd: str | None = None, shell: bool = True, timeout: float | None = None, decode: Literal[True] = True, encoding: str = 'utf-8', errors: str = 'replace') str
pshell.check_output(cmd: str | list[str], *, stdin: IO | None = None, stderr: IO | None = None, obfuscate_pwd: str | None = None, shell: bool = True, timeout: float | None = None, decode: Literal[False], encoding: str = 'utf-8', errors: str = 'replace') bytes

Run another program in a subprocess and wait for it to terminate; return its stdout. Raise exception in case of non-zero exit code.

See call() for parameters documentation.

  • decode (bool) – If True, decode the raw output to UTF-8 and return a str object. If False, return the raw bytes object. The default is to decode to UTF-8. This differs from subprocess.check_output(), which always returns the raw output.

  • encoding (str) – Encoding of the raw bytes output. Ignored if decode=False.

  • errors (str) – ‘replace’, ‘ignore’, or ‘strict’. See bytes.decode(). Ignored if decode=False. Note that the default value is replace, whereas the default in bytes.decode() is strict.


command stdout

Return type:

str or bytes (see decode parameter)


CalledProcessError – if the command returns a non-zero exit code

pshell.real_fh(fh: IO | None) Any

The io module offers file-like objects which can be used to spoof a file handle. Among other things, they are extensively used by nosetests and py.test to capture stdout/stderr.

In most cases, this is transparent; however there are exceptions, like the subprocess module, which require a file handle with a real file descriptor underlying it - that is, an object which defines the fileno() method.

This context manager transparently detects these cases and automatically converts pseudo file handlers from the io module into real POSIX-based file handles.



Any of:

  • A file handle opened for write and backed by a POSIX file descriptor, e.g. as returned by open() or the default value of sys.stdout or sys.stderr.

  • A pseudo file handle such as io.StringIO, io.BytesIO, or the stub used by nosetests to mock sys.stdout and sys.stderr.

  • None (default for most subprocess functions)


buf = io.StringIO()
with real_fh(buf) as real_buf:
    subprocess.check_call(cmd, stderr=real_buf)

All pshell functions that wrap around subprocess internally use this context manager. You don’t need to use it explicitly:

buf = io.StringIO()
pshell.check_call(cmd, stderr=buf)
exception pshell.CalledProcessError(returncode, cmd, output=None, stderr=None)

Raised when run() is called with check=True and the process returns a non-zero exit status.


cmd, returncode, stdout, stderr, output

exception pshell.TimeoutExpired(cmd, timeout, output=None, stderr=None)

This exception is raised when the timeout expires while waiting for a child process.


cmd, output, stdout, stderr, timeout